Client Question: What's the the difference between isolating muscle groups to train vs whole or split body work outs?
Decisions around training split (isolations versus upper/lower / full body)
Number of considerations:
1. Time to train
2. enjoyment
3. experience / training age
4. adherence
5. equipment at gym
6. injuries / conditions
7. confidence
Isolating muscle groups is better for bringing up lagging muscle groups
Sort of in that order of preference although .6 is at the top consideration and overlays every decision I’d make about training split. And then there’s always the part about just trying one method and seeing what the feedback is from that. Give it at least 8 weeks, ideally longer and then consider how nutrition is alongside it all to fully justify any changes / decisions made I.e. if the first goal is to get someone safe and enjoying the gym, then the training style doesn’t matter, especially initially. So I’d also be breaking it up into mesocycles (shorter periods of training) that then rolls up into a bigger goal
So it is goal specific and whether someone is going to stick at it - so it’s a punt by me to give them the thing that I think will benefit them the most within the period they’re working with me,
So it may start off more basic / less exciting because that will be the best thing for them in the long run (& I’ll sacrifice being considered less exciting than another PT)